Techniques and Funding of the “Independent” Right Wing Success

We must be aware the Democratic Party represents the “left” establishment and it has its agenda defenders on main stream media such as the New York Times, MSMBC and Google. However it is important to reveal there is a concerted effort to implant, fund and spread the right wing agenda through prominent youtubers, podcasters and other “independent” figures. That is the one thing we must understand, these right wing characters and entities self claim to be politically non-aligned with any interest group. These pundits claim they are balanced, neutral, objective and “independent.”

First all all, the big media corporations conspire against the real alternative thinkers, and this was already discussed in another article [PX]. Now, these right wing character have been discovered producing different techniques to overwhelm the digital space with their content. But how it is that these character have gotten to overtake the different alternative media platforms?

For example, let’s explore what is behind Ben Shapiro’s success on social media. Shapiro runs The Daily Wire, and on may 2020, The Daily Wire was the seventh-ranked publisher on Facebook. Consider the reach of The Daily Wire’s articles was equal to the New York Times and more than the Washington Post. While the New York Times published 15,587 articles in May, and the Washington Post published 8,048, The Daily Wire published just 1,141. Despite The Daily Wire publishes far less articles than the NYT and the WaPo, The Daily Wire receives more distribution than any other major publisher [Popular Jun 25, 2020].

We can say in the case of the Daily Wire there is a network of large Facebook pages that exploit racial, religious and ideological bigotry. These pages, that have about and over 2 million followers, do not disclose a business relationship with The Daily Wire, but it is clear they all post content from The Daily Wire ten or more times each day. Important to know, these pages post the exact same content from The Daily Wire at the exact same time. Another stunning fact is that they rewrite and republish the same incendiary stories over and over again as if they were brand new articles – articles that are from stories that happen even years ago [TYT Jul 3, 2020].

The network of large Facebook pages promoting The Daily Wire are all run mainly by Mad World News, The New Resistance, Right Stuff, America First, and American Patriot. A Facebook spokesperson that was confronted on this matter said they investigated the behavior of these pages and found no violation of Facebook’s rules. The truth of the matter is that despite proven falsehoods, Mad World News’ stories rarely elicit “disputed” labels or disclaimers from Facebook. On the site’s “About Us” page, the platform attempts to excuse itself of fact-checking procedures, claiming that its content expresses “a personal opinion,” and therefore not liable for fact-checking.” An important point tomention, is that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a relationship with Shapiro, who Zuckerberg has hosted at his home. According to a source who has spoken with Shapiro, Zuckerberg and Shapiro remain in direct communication.

As important as the reach on digital media is, that is not the only way how the self claimed “independent” media has gotten to dominate the political discurse on alternative media. Another technique applied at the academic level is the positioning of right wing books as best sellers. The most important case in this matter is the New York Times Best Sellers List. Basically what the New York times does is to track the many different books based of the amount of books sold. A way how the right wing have found to rig this ranking is by “bulk purchases.” Basically, a rich group pumps an author to prominence by purchasing a bulk sum of books, books that many times just end up piled up in their original boxes in the storage space of some building [The Hill Dec 15, 2019].

Let’s take a glimpse on some titles that have been been pumped up by these bulk buys. Just from 2018 we have: Jeanine Pirro’s “Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge,” Mark Levin’s “Unfreedom of the Press,” Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino’s Brett Kavanaugh profile “Justice on Trial,” Ben Shapiro’s “The Right Side of History,” Fox & Friends meteorologist Janice Dean’s “Mostly Sunny,” Cory Lewandowsky’s “Trump’s Enemies,” Jason Chaffetz’s “The Deep State,” Glenn Beck’s “Addicted to Outrage,” Dinesh D’Souza’s “Death of a Nation,” Howard Schultz’s “From the Ground Up,” former NRA TV pundit Dan Bongino’s “Exonerated,” and Fox News Contributor Andrew McCarthy’s “Ball of Collusion. To be fair, it seems authors such Tucker Carlson, Bill O’Reilly and Michael Savage on their last books, they did no get into bulk buys to make it to the top lists.

Just for illustration purposes, consider the Republican National Committee made a single purchase of Donald Trump Jr’s book “Triggered” for $100,000. In addition The RNC spent $94,800 on pre-order of Triggered. Just by doing this, Triggered made it to #1 on the New York Times Best Sellers list. But don’t think this strategy of positions best seller books ends up there. “Bestseller” authors get to go to talk shows, cable news, speaking engagements, and much more, and get paid around $50,000 on some of those show ups. But even more important than anything, the artificial success on sales of these right wing authors creates a false notion that their views are popular [Vice Nov 22, 2019].

Steven Crowder is a famous pundit who is very prominent for famous reflections such as “Socialism Is for Fags.” This youtuber got his channel demonetized and immediately the whole conglomerate of right wing youtubers used Crowder as example of the victimization the right suffers from the liberal tyranny. According to the “victimized” pundits, Crowder got unfairly punished not being able to get income out of youtube adds. For whoever who may be concerned about the financial of Mr. Crowder, let me inform you this “free speech movement” of online pundits, think tanks, academics, activist groups, and even mainstream pushers is funded by multiple right-wing billionaires.

To be able to understand how this free-speech movement has got to be so prominent in alternative media, actually we must analyze its origin on college campuses. In fact, there is a powerful funding network behind all of this. For example, Richard Fink, president of the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, has openly bragged about a “Structure of Social Change” philosophy that gives “strategic” grants to “affect public policy” and “influence broader social change.” Indeed, the Koch organizations directly fund campuses for “free speech,” such as the group Speech First [Prospect Jun 20, 2019].

Being more precise on specific cases, we have Dave Rubin’s podcast, The Rubin Report, which has a financial partnership with Learn Liberty. Also, Jordan Peterson funded by Rebel Media. Ben Shapiro has collected speaker fees from the Young America’s Foundation and Turning Point USA. Bret Weinstein has been hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Stout’s Free Speech Week. Bari Weiss and The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf, have both received cash prizes from the Reason Foundation. All of those organizations mentioned are funded and managed by Koch organizations. We must point out, those are just a few examples regarding just the Koch brothers organizations.

Going back to the issue of Universities, George Mason University in exchange for funding, allows the Koch brothers to control academic affairs such as faculty appointments and hires, and even student admissions. A similar case emerged years earlier with Florida State University. Probably the Koch brothers have spent over $250 million on more than 500 colleges and universities. However, this is not a matter of a single isolated powerful group, FIRE has also received funding from the right-wing billionaire Olin and Scaife families. The Daily Wire and PragerU is funded by the billionaire Wilks brothers which promotes Ben Shapiro. That just to mention a few examples but don’t think these groups work separately. This is a case of an organized project by an elite class that will do anything to preserve their position and their privileges and they have all kinds of resources to spare.

To conclude, it should be understood the artificial popularity and reach of these right wing celebrities is fabricated and well planned . To be 100% clear, their income does not depend on YouTube ads as many claim, all of their success is funded by powerful economic groups. Furthermore, when it comes to the equivalent characters in Latin America, the story is the same. Characters such as VisualPolitik, Gloria Alvarez, Joanna Hausmann, Jaime Bayly, among many others, play a role of misleading their followers just to fulfill a political agenda in a coordinated manner [BadEmpanada Feb 7, 2020]. And lastly, for many these characters came out from a legitimate deep sentiment of “victimhood” out of being cancelled on University campuses. Regarding this issue of cancelling “independent warriors,” it was found on 2018 there were a total of 18 “dis-invitation attempts” across all American colleges and universities and those those attempts that succeeded was even lower.

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